I've actually found some really good recipes that are low in sugar and carbs. Stuffed bell peppers, tacos in corn tortillas, and we can have steak with vegetables. On my side of the family, steak is kind of a big deal. I'll be sure to post the good ones. Honestly, it's the snacking that gets me. I have read many a parenting book and no one tells you that you may be tempted to finish off your child's goldfish and leftover mac and cheese. But for the love of all that's good and holy, walk away and drink a glass of water! Or eat a bunch of celery. It's practically the same thing.
I will also be doing a little redecorating.
Of course there will also be some exercise. And by some, I mean I will pop in a DVD and listen to the instructor tell me that there is no easy version for a jumping jack and do squats until walking down our stairs feels like a slow, painful death.
But seriously, I feel like part of my job is to make sure my family is eating healthy not to mention setting a good example for our little people. Austin actually likes more vegetables than Luke does. He's my buddy when it comes to bell peppers, greek salad, and asparagus. Both of the kids like to workout with me which is probably one of the cutest things I've ever seen. It's also super motivating when you're ready to call it quits and they're not even breathing hard. Some days I push through and other days I offer them a cookie. Listen, I can't win the "Mom of the Year" award everyday. It does do my heart good, though, to see them following my lead and loving our time together.
So if you find yourself losing heart and ready to give up on your new year's goal of looking amazing in a bathing suit come summer, know that you're not alone. We're working hard over here too. It is possible to walk into Target and see the tiny swimsuits in the juniors department without having a severe anxiety attack followed by labored breathing that feels strangely foreign because it's been awhile since you worked out. We've got 4 months. Okay 3 and a half until summer. We have plenty of time to make good progress on our goals. Here's to not going on a diet but living a healthier lifestyle!
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